Que no cunda el pánico. Delfín dice que "no es el momento de preocuparse sino de ocuparse". Y eso hace: "No estamos ajustando al máximo y hay muchos proyectos que salen ya: colaboraciones con una cadena de hoteles, vestuarios... Eso nos da un pequeño margen para pensar en cómo continuar y cuál es la mejor fórmula para nosotros. Pero vamos para adelante, seguro". Como siempre.
Dice que nunca ha dejado de trabajar: "Poniendo copas, bailando, fregando, en una papelería". Empezó creando tipografías e ilustraciones para amigos, que luego estampó en prendas militares. Las piezas se vendieron como churros en el Festival de Benicàssim y fue invitado a desfilar en el Circuit de Barcelona. De eso han pasado ya 10 años y alguna que otra polémica, como cuando en 2002 hizo desfilar a las modelos en la pasarela con una soga al cuello.
Mientras reflexiona, clava la mirada ensimismado en un plato de lentejas. Delfín, que fue ovolactovegetariano durante nueve años, sucumbe al chorizo que acompaña a sus legumbres con el fervor del converso. Cuando sus pensamientos regresan a la mesa, confiesa que le encantaría tener su propio perfume. "La mayor parte de las grandes marcas vive de vender gafas, cosméticos, pañuelos. Si ellas, con las infraestructuras que tienen, no pueden sobrevivir exclusivamente del prêt-à-porter, que se nos exija eso a los españoles...".
Su firma no es la única con dificultades: Elio Berhanyer cerró su taller en diciembre tras 50 años de carrera, y Carmen March liquidó su marca en junio. Delfín se queja de que al hablar de los problemas de la moda española solo se piensa en los diseñadores. "Este mundo son también las revistas, los fotógrafos, los estilistas, los modelos... Vale que yo no puedo compararme con ningún diseñador internacional, pero tampoco se puede comparar las revistas nacionales. Es que somos muy acomplejados. Tendemos a pensar que lo de fuera es siempre mejor. Si es verdad que somos todos tan mediocres, tal vez juntando toda nuestra mediocridad se genere algo interesante". Para rematar la comida, Delfín opta por algo que le ayude a digerir: una menta poleo.
As I like Pepsi, and the restaurant only have Coca-Cola, designer David Delfin (Ronda, Málaga, 1970) asks for water. In doing so, reveals a gold brackets that adorn their teeth. "I do not need. As a kid I wanted to bring equipment and nearly 40 I decided to wear it. First it was silver and used it to part with the paddle and become a diastema. Then I closed it and now I carry it well, with a Romanian point." Orthodontics barely noticeable. Neither his perfect teeth. He smiles slightly. Talk rested. Although she says that the online store is doing very well, just close your own unique boutique, after four seasons marching simultaneously in Madrid and New York, this February has done so only in the Cibeles Fashion Week. You further acknowledge that you are having problems making their libraries. "We did not make the minimum and so can be a waste of money. We're doing a limited edition of 75 shirts for Ekseption boutique. It is a way to explore."
Do not panic. Dolphin says that "it is time to panic but to deal with." And that makes: "We're not setting the maximum and there are many projects coming already: collaborations with a string of hotels, locker rooms ... That gives us a little room for thinking about how to proceed and what is the best formula for us. But go ahead, sure. " As always.
He says he never stopped working: "Putting Drinking, dancing, scrubbing in a stationery store." He began creating fonts and pictures to friends, who then stamped on military uniforms. The pieces were sold like hotcakes in the Benicassim Festival and was invited to march in the Circuit de Barcelona. That 10 years have passed and the occasional controversy, as when in 2002 the models paraded the catwalk with a noose.
As you reflect, stares deep in a mess of pottage. Dolphin, who was nine years Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian, succumbs to the sausage that came with your vegetables with the fervor of the convert. When your thoughts return to the table, he admits he would love to have your own perfume. "Most big brands living selling glasses, cosmetics, handkerchiefs. If they, with the infrastructure they have, they can not survive solely on the ready-to-wear, that we are required to Spanish ...".
Your signature is not the only one with problems: Elio Berhanyer closed his shop in December after 50 years of career, Carmen March and settled their mark in June. Dolphin complains that when talking about the problems of the only Spanish fashion designers think. "This world are also the magazines, photographers, stylists, models ... Okay I can not compare myself with any international designer, but neither can compare national magazines. Is that we are very conscious. We tend to think that outside is always better. If it is true that we are all so mediocre, perhaps to gather our mediocrity is generated something interesting. " To finish the meal, dolphin chooses something that helps to digest: a pennyroyal.
Foto y entrevista: elpais.com
Photo and interview: elpais.com
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